The Viome Blog
Category: Oral Health

Oral Health
10 Things to Know about Viome’s Personalized Oral Health Products
Viome's Oral Health Solutions provide everything you need to understand what's happening in your mouth and how to improve it with a personalized, targeted approach.

Oral Health
Debunked: 9 Oral Health Myths (Backed by Science)
With the introduction of Viome’s new VRx My·Biotics™Toothpaste & Gel, we thought we would demystify a few common myths about oral hygiene habits.

Oral Health
Travel Tips for a Fresh Mouth and Healthy Teeth
Traveling can be a source of novel experiences and cognitive stimulation, but it often disrupts daily routines, including oral hygiene practices.

Oral Health
Discovering the Vital Role of Saliva for a Healthy Mouth and Body
Most people don't give saliva much thought. But did you know that at every moment of every day, your saliva is affecting your health?

Oral Health
The Personalized Breath Mint: Discover the Healthy Benefits of Oral Biotic Lozenges
“Oral health” means so much more than a nice, white smile and fresh breath. That's where Viome's new VRx∙My Biotics Oral Lozenges come to the rescue.

Viome Guides
The Viome Guide to Oral Health
As scientists reevaluate the importance of the oral microbiome, oral health, and hygiene practices, we offer a guide to what we think is most important.

Oral Health
Kick Bad Toothbrushing Habits with 6 Tips for Better Oral Care
Hard or extra soft? Bass, Stillman, or Charter technique? How to navigate the choices for the healthiest brushing habits.

Oral Health
Healthy Mouth, Healthy Body: Why is oral health so important?
How does our oral health affect the health of our body holistically?

Oral Health
Start Your Day Fresh: Daily Rituals for Oral Health and Fresh Breath
Bad breath is not only unpleasant, it can be embarrassing. How can you combat it naturally?

Oral Health
The Harmful Effects of Poor Oral Health on Your Quality of Life
Many struggle quietly with oral health, which can affect your ability to socialize, work, and interact with others.

Oral Health
Is the Acidic Environment of Your Mouth pH Causing Bad Oral Health?
Did you know that your mouth has a particular pH level of its own?

Oral Health
The Harmful Effects of Poor Oral Health on Your Quality of Life
Many struggle quietly with oral health, which can affect your ability to socialize, work, and interact with others.

Oral Health
When Good Microbes Go Rogue: Are Smart Bacteria Harming your Oral Health?
It sounds like science fiction, but bad oral health can contribute to predatory critters in our mouth.

Oral Health
What is a Hairy Tongue and Should You Ignore It?
The question prompts immediate and additional questions!

Aging Well: The Oral Microbiome Connection
Experts now know that neglecting your oral hygiene can speed up the aging process.

Oral Health
How Your Oral Health and Skin Health Go Hand-In-Hand
The link between oral health and skin health is stronger than originally thought.

Oral Health
How Quitting Smoking Can Improve Your Oral Health
While cigarette smoking has declined, smoking remains the largest preventable cause of illness in the world.

Oral Health
Do You Really Need Mouthwash to Have Fresh Breath?
At best, mouthwash acts as a temporary fix for bad breath. At worst, it could wreak havoc on your oral microbiome.

Oral Health
8 Best-Kept Secrets of Good Dental Hygiene
What are the best oral hygene habit you should be doing every day?

Oral Health
Deep Thoughts: The Link between Oral Health and Dementia
There are now jaw-dropping connections between oral health and long-term brain resilience.

Oral Health
How Your Dental Team Helps You Maintain Good Oral Health
Who is on your oral health team and how can they help you maintain a healthy mouth?

Oral Health
28 Mind-Blowing Facts About Your Mouth & Oral Health
Fascinating facts on your mouth, teeth, and the history of oral health and it's impact on your wellness.

Oral Health
How to Care for Your Teeth and Oral Microbiome at Every Age
Healthy oral habits as we grow and mature means a healtheir mouth and microbiome through all stages of life.

Oral Health
Genetics or Lifestyle: What Are the Secret Origins of Your Oral Microbiome?
The mystery that surrounds the origin of our oral microbiomes is revealed.