The Viome Blog

The latest ideas, insights, and inspiration, expertly curated to empower you on your health journey. Learn more about systems biology and the many ways the microbiome plays a critical role in your health & wellness.
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The human microbiome: What our microbes are doing is far more important than their names

Are the microbiomes of humans from different parts of the world very different?

ashwaganda 2


The Pros (and Cons) of Ashwagandha

What Does Your Gut Say?

woman yoga pose


How Your Everyday Food Choices Are Influencing Your Mood

What does the Gut-Brain Axis have to do with the foods you eat and your day to day mood? More than you think!

Lentil and sweet potato soup


Mood Boosters: Six Recipes to Elevate Your Spirits

Food has a profound impact on our overall well-being, including our mental health and mood.

Most Recent

moms day pic


Wisdom from the Moms of Viome: Self-Care for the Caregivers

How can it be that the caregivers of the world, our mothers, are not that great at taking care of themselves?


Viome Guides

6 Things to Know Before Collecting Samples for Your Viome Intelligence Test

We gathered tips from our experts as well as Viome customers for each stage of collecting your samples so you can easily and efficiently expedite the process.

Innovating Healthcare


Innovating Healthcare: Harnessing AI and Data for Future Personalized Solutions

Read more about the future of personalized healthcare, and how it will affect human longevity.

kale growing


Debunking The Myth of Universally Healthy Food: How to Eat for Your Biological Individuality

One man's food is another man's poison. Why are even 'healthy' foods not healthy for every individual, all the time?

Kombucha jar


Support a Healthy Gut with DIY Kombucha at Home Probiotic Elixir

Make the probiotic drink kombucha to support gut health right in your kitchen at home.