
Momo’s Lentil Tofu Recipe

red lentils

Sometimes, with food, you have to think out of the box…

What do you do when one of your staple foods falls onto the Minimize or Avoid lists? You improvise! Take a look at how Momo Vuyisich improvised with one of his staple foods in his diet–tofu

“Just got my Viome results last week, and they were very important for me.

“I am mostly vegan and heavily rely on tofu, which I eat in most meals. Unfortunately, my oxalate pathways are not working well, and tofu is high in oxalates.

“However, lentils are low in oxalates. So, over the weekend, I experimented in my kitchen and made absolutely delicious tofu from three different types of lentils. My family really enjoyed the lentil tofu pasta last night.

“For those who need to (due to oxalates) or want to try the lentil tofu, I have a very simple recipe that I wanted to share with everyone.”

Lentil Tofu


150 g lentils, red, green or brown

700 mL water

2 tsp salt

2 Tbsp olive oil


Soak the lentils overnight in enough water to cover them (note that some lentils, like red ones, do not need soaking). The next day, pour the water out, drain, and rinse the lentils well. Add them to a blender or food processor. Add the 700 mL of water and the salt. Blend for about 2 minutes. 

Add the olive oil to a nonstick Dutch oven or pan, then add the blended lentils. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for about 10 minutes while stirring frequently to prevent scorching on the bottom. The lentils are done when they stick together as a blobby mass. Transfer the lentils to a glass casserole dish and place in the refrigerator for at least an hour to cool and solidify.

Once cool, you can slice up the dish of lentils into squares to use for any recipe that you use regular tofu. The lentil tofu can be stored in your refrigerator for a few days. 

Give it a try. Enjoy!

lentil tofu cooking