Beans are popular for their affordability and protein content. While tasty and filling, they can cause digestive issues like gas, bloating, cramping, and indigestion for some. They also contain phytic acid, which can interfere with mineral absorption.
Traditional cultures have consumed beans for millennia, using slow-food techniques to enhance digestibility. These methods include fermenting, soaking, and sprouting. Given their economy - a pot of bean soup can feed 8 people for just $2 - they're hard to resist.
However, some struggle to fit them into their diets. Recently, a Viome member asked us this question–
Q: I love beans, but I just can’t digest them. Help!
A: Jannelle Connell, RD, from the Viome Precision Nutrition Team, replied with this answer
“Your microbiome determines how well you digest beans. Viome analysis may recommend avoiding certain beans if your microbes are highly active in making gasses like methane gas or if the balance of your microbiome favors methane-producing microbes.
"For instance, if not fully digested in the small intestine, the complex carbs in beans travel to the colon, where gut bacteria ferment them into gas, like methane gas. This can result in uncomfortable gas and bloating symptoms.
"We suggest avoiding specific beans, consuming certain probiotics, and making dietary changes to improve digestion based on your unique gut profile. To start, look at your Avoid foods and skip those for now, as well as your Superfoods, to see which beans are best for you right now.”
As Janelle explains, the key to bean digestion lies in your unique microbiome. A Viome analysis reveals how your gut bacteria play a crucial role in how well you process beans. Some people's microbiomes are more active in producing gasses like methane, which can lead to digestive discomfort.
When complex carbohydrates in beans aren't fully digested in the small intestine, they reach the colon where gut bacteria ferment them, potentially causing gas and bloating. This is why personalized nutrition advice is so valuable.
Here are some additional tips to improve bean digestibility:
1. Test your gut:
Get a microbiome analysis (like Viome) to understand your unique gut profile. Identify which beans to avoid and which are "superfoods" for your specific microbiome, then make dietary changes suggested by your microbiome analysis.
2. Soak and cook beans:
Soaking beans overnight (or longer) and cooking them thoroughly can significantly decrease their raffinose content, reducing gas production. When possible, use warm stock instead of water for cooking and change the soaking water thrice daily to remove anti-nutrients. Super healthy tip: Consider soaking and cooking with kombu, a sea vegetable containing helpful enzymes.
3. Rinse canned beans:
Due to high-pressure processing, canned beans, especially chickpeas, have lower levels of oligosaccharides. Rinsing them can further reduce gas-causing compounds.
4. Gradual introduction:
Increase your bean intake slowly to allow your body to adjust to the higher fiber content.
5. Cook thoroughly and slowly:
Ensure beans are well-cooked over low heat, like in a slow cooker to improve digestibility and reduce potential digestive discomfort.
6. Pair with probiotics:
Serve with fermented foods like salsa or sauerkraut and consume probiotic-rich foods or supplements recommended for your gut profile alongside beans to support your gut microbiome and aid digestion.
7. Add digestive spices:
To aid digestion, incorporate herbs like cumin, ginger, or fennel when cooking beans. You can also use digestive enzymes: over-the-counter products containing alpha-galactosidase to help break down raffinose and reduce gas.
8. Stay hydrated:
Drinking plenty of water can help your body process the increased fiber intake more efficiently.
These methods, combined with personalized insights from microbiome testing, can help make beans more digestible and reduce associated discomfort. By understanding your unique gut bacteria and following tailored dietary advice, you can enjoy the benefits of beans more comfortably and optimize your overall gut health.